Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pitta dosha

Pitta dosha

In Ayurveda Pitta is known as Energy of Digestion and Metabolism. Pitta dosha is a combination of water and fire elements and formulated by the dynamic interplay of the both. These elements are transformative in nature thus they constantly modulate and control each other. In human body Pitta represents the fire element; it includes digestive fire, action of enzymes and amino acids that play a major role in metabolism, and the neurotransmitters and neuro-peptides.

Properties of Pitta
Pitta is hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid, and spreading in nature.

The main reservoirs or pre eminent locations of the pitta dosha are –
Main location – Umbilicus
Main dhatu or location in tissue – Rakta (blood cells) & sweat
Other locations – Stomach, Lymph, body fluids, Eyes and skin.

Functions of Pitta dosha
Pitta governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin-coloration, the luster of the eyes, intelligence, and understanding. It gives the person appetite, vitality, and the capacity to learn, understand and determine what is right or wrong.

Indications of Balanced Pitta
A balanced pitta is an indication of sound physical and psychological health of an individual.  When in balance pitta ensures:
Good digestion, Energy, Goal-setting inclinations, Good problem-solving skills, Keen powers of intelligence, Decisiveness, Boldness and courage, Bright complexion.

Problems caused by Imbalanced Pitta
The imbalanced pitta can cause many physical and psychological problems like anger, criticism, negative emotions, acidity, ulcers, heartburn, rashes and thinning hair. Pitta can be thrown out of balance by, eating spicy or sour food; being angry, tired, or fearful; or spending too much time in the sun.

Pitta is further understood through the actions of its 5 sub-divisions:
1.   Pachaka: Pachaka is very closely connected to the “Jathar-Agni” - the digestive fire. Pachaka “governs” the Agni and helps to break down the foods, herbs and drinks we consume. Pachaka is aggravated by excess pungent, salty and sour tastes which can contribute to hyperacidity, ulcers and diarrhea.
2.   Ranjaka: The liver, the spleen and the blood are governed by the functions of Ranjaka Pitta. Ranjaka imparts color to the body and promotes enthusiasm, strength and joy in life. Imbalances of the liver, spleen and blood such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, skin discolorations, CFS and even high-cholesterol are all related to Ranjaka.
3.   Sadhaka: The ability to “digest” intellectual information, experience feelings and emotions and navigate the world around us with a clear perception is all governed by the functions of Sadhaka Pitta. Sadhaka resides in the heart - the seat of the consciousness, the home of the spirit. It assists in the regulation of the rhythm of the heartbeat, balances the emotions and allows for concentration and critical thinking.
4.   Alochaka: Alochaka Pitta resides in the eyes and regulates the “digestion” and transformation and light and sensory experiences. Alochaka gives color, luster and brightness to the eyes and on a more esoteric level promotes a clear “vision” for the future, helping us “see” the true reality, assisting our spiritual evolution.
Bhrajaka: Residing in the skin, bhrajaka maintains the complexion, regulates the touch sensation and metabolizes all the light and nutrients that enter through the skin. Skin imbalances such as acne, eczema and psoriasis are related to bhrajaka imbalance.

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