Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Agni, being one of the pancha mahabhoota, has the characteristic that it cannot exist without a base. In the body it exists in pitta dosha.
Agni or Pachak Pitta is basically a transformational energy, which transforms one thing to another form.

Agni is responsible for the following functions:
  • Digestion - indigestion
  • Vision- absence of vision
  • Degree of heat
  • Normal -abnormal complexion
  • Prowess- fear
  • Anger - exhilaration
  • Confusion- clarity of mind
For the metabolic processes in the body, there are three levels of digestion, done by following agnis, represented as “Pachak Pitta” Viz.

1.   Jatharagni or Koshthagni
2.   Dhatvagnis
3.   Panchabhutagnis

Jatharagni or Koshthagni: 
Present in the Gastro- Intestinal Tract, is responsible for the digestion of nutritious substances during this process.
The process of digestion by jathar agni is divided in two stages,
1.   Awstha Paka
2.   Vipaka

Awastha paka and can be divided in the following steps –

1st step of digestion is “Amavstha / Madhuravastha Paka – which takes place from mouth to stomach.
2nd step of digestion is “Pachymanavastha / Amlavstha Paka – which takes place from duodenum to jejunum.
3rd step of digestion is “Pakavstha / Katuavstha Paka – which takes place from ileum to large intestine
The change in the taste of the digested food is temporary thus termed as “Awastha Paka”.

Vipaka -
At the end of the digestion the digested food have their original rasa (taste) which is in accordance with the rasa (taste) of the ingested food. This is called as Nistha paka. It is also called popularly as Vipaka.

If original taste of food is Madhur rasa (Sweet) & Lavan rasa (Salty); the food will have Madhura Vipaka (sweeter taste of final digested product of Jathar agni).
If original taste of food is Amla rasa (sour), the food will have Amla vipaka (sour taste of final digested product of Jathar agni).
If original taste of food is Katu, Tikta & Kashaya rasa (chilli, bitter and astringent), the food will have Katu vipaka (chilli taste of final digested product of Jathar agni).

There are seven types of dhatus each having its own peculiar dhatu agni, which helps each dhatu to transform into the “saar” part and eliminating the “kitta”.
This saar part of the dhatu determines the strength or immunity of the body for the particular dhatu known as “Dhatu Saarta”.
When this saar part is to its fullest, it goes further to nourish the subsidiary dhatus called as the “Upa dhatus”. Each dhatu has its own defined upa dhatu which it can nourish.
(For details Please refer to the chart.)


In ayurveda it is believed that everything is made up of five elements and so is the any bodily part. These five elements are the panch mahabhoota and are responsible for constituting every living being in the world

The panch mahabhuta agni acts on all the products of digestion, weather it may be “saar” part or “Kitta” part.
At this level of digestion, the waste, by products is called as “Sukshma Mala”. These “sukshma mala” (micro waste) are excreted from the body along with the “kitta” part, rest is reabsorbed by the body.

Thus the digestion or transformation of food is complete in human body.

Kitta is the byproduct of digestion. It is not completely a waste. Bhuta agni or specifically “mala Agni” acts on these substances and reabsorb the left over nutrition, if any.
This is the useful part for the body and is used to form the structural component of the body i.e. Dhatus or Upa dhatus.

please visit dr shahs panchkarma ayurveda clinic

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